Professional experance

since 1. January 2006

      Employed by Siemens Building Technologies in Zug

since 2006
Project Manager in Fire & Security Products
      Wireless Detectors


2000 - 2005

      Employee of Siemens Switzerland Ltd. in Zürich

2000 - 2001

      Wireless internet terminal "SIMpad"
- Initiation and testing of the prototypes
- Monitoring of the HW until series-production readiness
- Realisation of measurements to fulfil the specification of EMI and environment
- Review of some Windows CE drivers

Customer project

      Public transportation
- Realisation of a processor platform (XScale)
- Realisation of the hardware and software of a fall back processor
- System integration of the hardware

2003 - 2005
Customer project

      Machine industry
- Project management of customer's mechatronic team
- Key account management of all the development services for the customer
- Assistance while writing proposals
- Consulting customers on technical matters

Customer project

      Wireless intrusions systems
- Project management of customer's project
- Assistance while writing proposals